📌 We are constantly adding more events, islands, levels and stories. The system requirements for the game are the following:

Android version - 5.0 or higher, RAM: 2GB or more, Google Play app installed on the device.

iOS version - 9.3 or higher, RAM: 2GB or more

📌 If your device has all the necessary technical specifications, then please try the following:

try clearing the cache of the app in the phone settings. If this doesn't help, try reinstalling the game. Please write down your support ID that you see in the top left corner or take a screenshot of the game settings. In this case we will be able to find your previous account if you lose your progress.

try reinstalling the game. Please write down your support ID that you see in the top left corner or take a screenshot of the game settings. In this case we will be able to find your previous account if you lose your progress.

📌 If these recommendations did not help, please try to empty as much space on your device as possible, force close all the unused apps while playing the Family Island game and switch off the power saving mode if it's on.

📌 We also recommend not to gather too many containers with resources on your Home Island, as this may lead to technical problems with the game, including crashes of the app.

If none of the recommendations above were helpful, please contact our Support team using this link and provide your support ID and as much information as possible about the issue you faced. Here's an article on how to find your support ID.

❗ Please note that some technical issues can be fixed only if you provide your support ID. We recommend you write down your support ID somewhere just in case, as it can help our Support team find your account and fix the issues sooner.