Hold on tight, islanders! We’re about to travel back in time and go on a wild DINO ADVENTURE!🌋

Once Dino Adventure Island is open, you’ll be able to arrive and feed Dino with bones in exchange for rubies! Yes, you read that right…RUBIES! 👑

🦴 How to Get Bones:

The first way is to follow the good ol’ island tradition by crafting your own! You can collect sugar canes throughout the island and then craft the bones in the workshop. 🤠

The second way is to use this super neat dinosaur skeleton which also functions as a sugar cane generator -  careful not to poke yourself with its sharp edges! 😲

Now here’s the absolute BEST part about this adventure: you’ll get rubies EVERY time you feed Dino! 🥳

Better begin collecting bones with Bruce, Dino is hungry and ready to give us some ROARIN’ good rubies!❤️‍🔥