My Account
What's My Support ID?
Ever wondered what your Support ID is? Your Support ID is your golden ticket when you're lost at sea (or in game issues, rather). ...
How can I save my game progress?
We strongly recommend you save your progress in the game! This can easily be done via Facebook. Simply go to settings -> My accounts and ...
How can I restore my previous game progress?
If you've previously linked your Family Island to a Facebook, Google or Apple account, we've got a treasure map for you to reclaim your isla...
How can I change my name or photo?
Ready for a new look? We can help! 😎✏️ Changing Your Nickname:Tap on your current avatar on the top leftTap on the green pencil next to you...
How Can I Change the Game Language?
Embarking on an island adventure with your family can sometimes be easier in your native tongue, right? We've got your back! 🌐You can easil...
How can I start the game over from the beginning?
Are you considering a fresh start? 🏝️Here's how you can reset your game:Go to your game settings. ⚙️Choose the 'Account' option.Select 'Log...
How Can I Delete My Account?
You may ask for your game account to be deleted at any time.If you do not want your account to be permanently deleted, keep in mind that you...
How can I make sure I don't lose my game progress?
Keeping your Family Island adventure going is a piece of tropical fruit cake! 🍰💾 Save Your Game ProgressGo to the Menu bar on the top righ...