What are Paid Festival Tasks?
Hello fellow café owners!
We've brewed up a new feature that's sure to spice up your festival experience! Welcome to the world of Paid Festival Personal Tasks. This new addition is a delightful blend of challenge and reward, just like your favorite cup of coffee.
Let's explore how it works!
🏆 How it works
Paid Festival Tasks are like regular Township tasks, except you'll need to first unlock them with some special game resources.
You'll be able to spot them on your personal Festival board — meaning only you can see these tasks, giving you a secret edge in on your regular tasks. 🌟😎 So think of these as bonus tasks for you to get even more Festival trophy points!
📌🔓Picking a task and unlocking the fun
Each one will have a lock icon next to the task itself. Tap on it to "purchase" it, and if you have the needed amount of resources to unlock it, it will automatically activate the task.
If you don't have enough resources, no worries! The task will stay on the board throughout the event so you can unlock it once you have enough.
🫖 Teapot tip:
Make sure to complete any unlocked Paid tasks before the current Festival ends, since they can't be transferred to future events. ⏳
So what are you waiting for? Fire up the game and watch your coffee shop thrive! ☕💎