If you've previously saved your game to Facebook, Google Play, or your Game Center, it's possible to restore your progress to that previous save. This can be done by uploading the previously linked game. To do so:

1. Tap Main Menu in the upper right corner

2. Press Settings ⚙️, then Accounts

3. Choose Facebook/Google Play/Game Center

Switching Devices

You can transfer an account between device types (Apple to Android or Android to Apple) by attaching the game to Facebook. To do so, follow the same instructions as above.

Please note for players in Russia: Due to official restrictions on Facebook, you won't be able to transfer the game on your own. Contact our Support team for help.

Be aware that there may be a choice between a previously saved game and a new game. Before making a selection, verify the café level of the game you want to restore. Once a café is uploaded to your device, any other café on the device will be lost.

If the account you'd like to restore isn't available, check that you're logged into the Facebook, Google Play, or Game Center account that is linked to the My Cafe account you'd like to restore.

Unable to Access Facebook, Google Play, Game Center Account

If you're not able to access to your FacebookGoogle Play, or Game Center, click the links and follow the instructions.

Can't restore the game account on Apple device via Facebook

If you use Apple device and cannot attach cafe to Facebook, follow this instruction:
1. Open device settings
2. Open Privacy and Security
3. Open Tracking and allow apps to request to track
4. Restart the game and attach it to Facebook in settings (settings -- accounts). The process should work. The game will be attached to Facebook, but it might not be shown in the game itself
5. After that you can turn off the tracking if you need. In this case  "Link to Facebook" button may be shown as turned off, Do not worry, it's just a visual mistake as the game will remain linked to Facebook.

More Help - Unable to Restore Game

If you're still not able to restore your game even after following the above steps, reach out to our Support team for help. Please include the following in your reach out:

  1. Start a new game and link it to Facebook/Google/Game Center (Main Menu - Settings - Accounts)
  2. Provide us with your NEW game ID (Main Menu - Settings - numbers in the lower right corner)

  3. Provide us with the info about your OLD game ID: 1) name in the game, 2) township you were in, 3) game level, 4) VIP level.

  4. Provide us with the following information depending on your account status:

    • VIP level accounts: Provide us with this additional info:

      • Android: GPA-number of any My Cafe purchase (the purchase history can be found here: pay.google.com)

      • iOS - screenshot of any My Cafe purchase (the purchase history can be found here)

    • Non-VIP level accounts: Send a screenshot showing the ID number of your lost account. This ID number can be found in the settings at the bottom of your screen. This will serve as a proof that the lost account really belongs to you.